More Pics!
before pic haha
pigs in the street
buying some fruit
womens meeeting
kids at the school
The store the women have at the Ashram
At the school :)
Yay, Im loving the internet here right now.. took me about 5min to upload some more pics..
Love, Johanna
The shop outside baif in warje where the women sell their own products

Amanda and Tone

Waiting for the other interns at the ashram, medical interns

on the train, one of the medical interns
very crowded on the train, ppl sleeping too lol
at a restaurant in Amonora, the mall
on our way home from a day at Amonora, waiting for the train
Erika and Tone trying on their sariis
our new place in the Ashram, the hangout room
the food we eat every day
nice pic taken by amanda
the dining area
outside the dining hall, that dog always sleep outside the building where his owner is
At Amonora
Ghandis grave, we went on a tour a couple of weeks ago
On our way to the temple, me and Amanda stayed behind haha too lazy to walk all those stairs and aparantly it wasnt any different from the rest of the temples we saw that day
Dining out
Tone anr Erika
The shisha place having fun
delicious food
on the bus into town
bbq nation at Amonora
Happy faces
There u go..I succeeded in uploading a few of the many pics on my computer.. Only 4weeks til I get to see yall in Sweden again ! :)
Love, Johanna
Here is some information about BAIF, the organisation we are currently doing our internship at..
Its from one of their pamphlets:
BAIF Development Research Foundation is a reputable non-government organization with a strong comittment to uplift the poor and ethe weaker sections of rural India. The organization is comittted to sustainable Rural Development, Food Security and Clean Environment with network of 12 state level organisations spread throughout India. BAIF has been honored with vairous prestigious Awards at State. National and International level for remarkable contribution for sustenance of most deprived and disadvantaged sections of rural poors. BAIF`s innovative multidisciplinary programme on poverty allevation covering lifestock through promotion of dairy husbandry, watershed development, promotion of agri-horti-forestry on dry lands. Community health and empowerment of women through formation of self-help groups and promotion microenterprises, is benefitting over 2.79 million families from 55 000 villages in 12 states across the country, enabling them to enjoy sustainable livelihood and better quality of life, while addressing the Milenium Development Goals.
Water being the critical input for allevating poverty, several innovative approaches were adopted to promote watershed development and conserve soil and moisture for achievement of ensuring safe drinking water for local communities and enhancing agricultural production.
BAIF Development Research Foundation, Pune is enghaged in integrated watershed development programme in 9 states of the country since 1990 with the objective of developing models of sustainable development in resource degraded areas. The agri-horti-forestry programme for rehabilitation of tribal families, popularily known as wadi has been expanden in many states. Water resource development (WRD) is a key activity for nurturing the fruit trees. WRD and rain water harvesting approach is followed in wadi, NRM and agriculture development project.

we are divided into two groups, me, Michaela and Victoria are in the women empowerment groupd and Amanda, Tone and Eika are in the children and education group. We are here to learn and observe mostly but also do some fieldwork for an essay for the university and a project report for BAIF. I am writing from an Ashram created by Ghandi where we are trying to live healthy with daily yoga and healthy food, sometimes we get massages and we take walks :)
Love, Johanna
Dags för en liten uppdatering igen då. Har inte vart så bra internet så har inte orkat sitta o försöka ladda upp massa bilder. Imon åker vi till Urlikansion, UK, som ligger mer på landsbygden. Jag ska försöka skriva mer om vad vi faktiskt ska göra här med, på BAIF.. men vi har vart lite stillastående och resan till landsbygden har blivit uppskjuten flera ggr så det har inte blivit mkt gjort.
Min säng och skrivbord
duschen hehe
utanför rummet
Project wing där vi hade vårat första möte med våran handledare dr daniel
fin blomma
Love, Johanna
Kurti :)
Jag har köpt en kurit, en blusliknande top, och en sari.. Men har haft lite problem hur man tar på sig sarin haha får se om jag lyckas så lägger jag upp en bild på det senare.
jag på kvinnodagen, kvinnorna/tjejerna villa ta kort på oss och vi fick ta några med:)
Love, Johanna
mer bilder från kvinnodagen..och middag på hard rock cafe
lägger upp lite bilder allt eftersom då internet dör ganska ofta:S
sitta på golvet o man äter med händerna
Barnen fick sitta för sig själva o äta
Nu kommer bilderna i oordning men här är hard rock cafe där de gjorde en rolig dans till ymca
Amanda och våran handledare för dagen
Gullig unge med en glass:P
Love, Johanna
Hejhej, liten uppdatering här igen då :) Dagarna går och det börja sjunka in att vi ska va här ett tag. Jag börjar irritera mig på allt indiskt och har blivit besatt av att städa rummet hehe men det ingår ju i culture shock. Men allt är väldigt skitigt och dammigt så varje gågn man har vart ute så tvättar jag av fötterna o vattnet blir brunt. En av gruppmedlemmarna har blivit sjuk och flera är lite sisådär- magproblem, geting stick och blåmärken med sömnbristen. Nu har det gått en vecka iaf och vi börjar väl mer eller mindre vänja oss vid detta, men snart åker vi till landsbygden och vi vet inte hur situationen ser ut där. Vi har gått ut varje kväll nästan och vi har dragit oss in mot stan där mc donalds, kfc och dominos finns:P Sen har vi shoppat lite med:) Finns väldigt fina tyger och färger här och känner att det inte riktigt är min stil men anammar lite färger allt eftersom.
Lite bilder:

Tempel som vi besökte på internationella kvinnodagen
Såhär tar man han om sopos i Indien
Amanda med sin fina röda prick i pannan som vi alla fick när vi kom till templet:P
ngn slag gympa grupp som visade vad de har lärt sig
där vi hade samlingen, och scenen där vi fick sitta haha med några hundra kvinnor som satt under taket
Köpte lite lokala varor, torkad frukt och sådant
De skulle tacka grundaren av BAIF och hon som byggde första skolan
Deras altare hehe
Jag fick tända ett ljus också :)
Vi fick presenter, va en jättefin handväska / necessär:)
Love, Johanna
more pics..
more pics from India
victoria har kommit nu med
me and erika, drinks w dinner
Bohemian, the fancy restaurant
So far its been an adventure and we have adjusted fairly good, except for the uncomfortable beds :S feels like you are sleeping on the ground.. and you have to use a bucket to shower hehe. But at least we have hot water and the food i hot but good. We have been relaxing quite alot and we started at 11 this morning:) We have tried to see some of the local areas w malls, markets and restaurants and you have to take the rickshaw everywhere bc we are quite far away from everything and its not safe to walk in the street.
Love, Johanna
Här kommer lite bilder från Indien:)
our beds
in the classroom
the hostel
Smile, tone and erika
our room, amanda is cleaning the floor :P It was really dirty
nice plate at a fancy restaurant we went to

the snacktable hehe. and there will be no room service lol (the note)
another restaurant in the middle of nowhere, cosy
me and erika
awesome drinks

the fancy restaurant w the nice plates, me and erika sitting on the swinging sofa:P
Hard to decise what to eat though, everything seemes delicious
more to come..
Love, Johanna
Här kommer lite blandade bilder från Dubai som jag inte lagt upp innan..
Underwater zoo
TGIF view
utanför hotellet i dubai
View again from TGIF
Gokarting! w chris and his brother
hookah / Shisha :P
Me and Amanda
Underwater zoo
cleaning the tank
Showing how the equipment works
Love, Johanna
27th of February
Trying to post some more pics now from yesterday. We took the 9.45 bus into jerimiah beach and the plan was to lay on the beach and then walk into dubai mall (the biggest mall) but we soon realized we didnt have time to get some sun haha so we started to walk on the beach and then we took the metro in to burj khalifa where we had tickets at 3pm, its the tallest tower in the world:) We had lunch at Johnny rockets before:P Cant help but to run for the american stuff..
Afterwards we spent a few hours at the mall. We had alittle scare- I lost Amandas phone in Victoria Secret hehe but we found it, or someone in the staff did :) My lucky bracelate is working! :P
Walking towards..
We are gettign closer to the beach ...
the beach
beautiful blue water
Camelriding on the beach lol
We sneaked through an expensive fancy hotel from the beach..:P
Walk to the metro.. looks like the future
in the metro, in the sky..
burj khalifa
walking to burj khalifa, different pics on the way up
After our walk on the beach, can tell that we came straight from there haha
Inside the Dubai mall, interesting decorations
An aquarium inside the mall..or water zoo..
Johnny Rockets
Inside the mall, several floors-it was huge
burj khalifa in miniature
On the plateau on the 124th floor
tower from the ground
the shadow of burj khalifa
the view
pool area lol
Iceskating rink in the mall.. they seem to like the cold..
Love, Johanna
The heading is Dubai in arabic :) This should have been posted yesterday but the internet sucks..
Today we ran to the shuttle bus at 9.45 and went to mall of the emirates to look around and see some more of dubai :) We ended up going to Victoria secret and Cheescake factory haha we both miss the states so finding somehing like that made us both smile:) and of course we went into some of the local stores where they had burkas and really nice accessories:)
Here are some pics :)
Cheesecake, soooo good!
There´s a winterwonderland behind me!! :P Could go skiing if I wanted to but I left a snowy Sweden so no thank you!
Inside the mall
Skislope inside the mall:P
Cant get enough starbucks!
Guess where we went?! ;)
Love, Johanna
more from yesterday..
When I tried to enter a gossipblog:S
On our way home from the maill, the bus never cam so we walked home with two others who stayed at the hotell
Trying to get some sun
by the pool :)
Love, Johanna
Here´s yesterdays pics, internet wouldn´t cooperate then so I hope it works now..
Amana thought this pic was ok haha so have to post it:P
on the bus to the mall, the small one close to the hotell
in the mall
by the fountain right outside the mall
Good morning!
Good morning y´all :P We just woke up from this really scary alarm hehe and we realized we overslept and our plan for today is out the window. Anyway, vacation is for relaxing and sleeping in- right?! 11.30am.
I just have to bring something up that we noticed watching TV yesterday: the censor the words lesbian and homosexual! I thought the TV just had a bad connection the first time but after three blips I realized by reading the girl´s lips she was saying that she was a lesbian! Either its illegal or its not accepted.. so good thing we asked for two beds in our room even if we both could sleep in the queen size bed. I dont think they would understand that we swedes dont think its a big deal to sleep in the same bed.
Pic from my goodbye party:) cutie
Love, Johanna
Its 11.20pm now and time to go to sleep, again! We feel asleep againg before after going to the supermarket Park n Shop:P Its only 5min walking distance. We ordered room service for dinner, pizza! We are both quite tired and jetlagged. We barely slept on the plane so need to cathc up on our sleep.
the hotel
No sidewalks :( closest thing to it, bf this we were walking on the street..
the view from the rooftop
Amanda is not too happy with the clouds in the sky lol
Love, Johanna
More Pics!
Internet seems to be good right now so here are som more pics!
Istanbul airport
Thats a school! :)
Cool flower building in the background
Im trying to figure this format out.. the pics are too big..
Love, Johanna
We are in Dubai!!
Ok, so Amanda just deleted my text so here it comes again!
We arrived at 6am Swedish time which is 9am local time. We just woke up from our nap hehe Everybody is very nice here, both at the airport and at the hotel- we got out room earlier:) checkin was at 2pm. Everything has gone well, we were close to missing our flight in Sweden though haha we went to the wrong gate! But we learned our lesson and checked the gate in Istanbul and yes they changed the gate there as well!.
Here are some pics, the Internet is kinda slow so I will try to post a few every day:
< /br>< /br>3< /br>
< /br>< /br>4< /br>
< /br>< /br>5< /br>
< /br>< /br>6< /br>

Love, Johanna
nyc rangers game :)
madison square garden
fight fight fight fight!! hah
wooohooo .. GOOAAAAL!
the ppl..
thats all for now :)
st patricks day pics